Wargaming Tradecraft presents: Work in Progress

I'm proud to announce that this Saturday, September 19th, Wargaming Tradecraft will be representing the miniature community at this year's Maker Expo located at the City Hall in Kitchener, Ontario."Work in Progress" is an art exhibit demonstrating the process taken to...

Basing the Mountain King

Often overlooked is the importance of the base for your model. It's not the focus, but it should accent what you've created and cheaping out will detract. I'm also a firm believer in using as many natural items to base with as you can to place your miniature in a...

Basing the Mountain King’s Body

One of the parts of the Elemental King Project was that he's supposed to be covered in moss / grass. Originally, I was going to go overboard - if it was skin, it was going to be covered in moss. As he came together, my vision changed. I really liked how his skin...

Object Source Lighting on the Elemental King

Last week I covered how I painted and gel'd the special effects for the whelps on my Elemental King project. The thing about some special effects, like fire, is that they can cast light which has to be taken in to consideration. Today I'll demonstrate how I achieved...

Painting and Gelling Elemental Whelps

The Elemental King project involves covering him in a bunch of whelps. Some are perched on him, others are bursting forth from his body! Lets look at how I've painted them and added some extra flair too.When working on this scale and around a larger project, sometimes...