Painting Symbols and Mountain King WIP

Hanging from the Elemental King's loin cloth, is a stone tablet, which I wanted to paint the Horde symbol on. It doesn't matter what icons you're trying to paint, this article will give you tips on how to paint symbols on any surface; for example, Space Marine chapter...

Notice for European Readers

Just a quick note for anyone reading from the European Union.I got a notice from Google today that you'll now get a notification regarding cookies when visiting Blogger sites from now on. Apparently the EU requires sites to make readers aware of the use of...

Painting the Mountain King’s Loin Cloth

Next up in the saga of the Elemental King, I've got a brief article on his loin cloth. (haha) Not really anything fancy going on here, but I'll cover it nonetheless.Base CoatAs I've demonstrated before, stippling / sponging is a great way to paint leather because of...

Painting the Mountain King’s Stones

After painting the Mountain King's skin, his stones were the other large task I was faced with. It meant a lot of airbrushing, time consuming edge highlighting and possibly the most tedious task I have ever done in my time painting.All well worth it and along the way...

Painting the Mountain King’s Skin

Today I'm going to demonstrate the number 1 question I received during the Mountain King project - How I painted his skin.There were a lot of steps to it, but I'll show the ones that stand out. Most of the photos are hi-res so you can click them to get a more detailed...