Colour Theory: Pure Achromatic (Greyscale)

Remember when I said colours of equal value look like thesame shade of grey? Look at the Colour Wheel now.Achromatic Colours are Whites, Blacks and Greys. Greys are also known as Neutral because they have no colour. (Grey is also what you get when you mix two...

[Colour Theory] Near-Neutral Achromatic

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Colour Theory: Colour Contrast and Context

Comparing light, dark and grey contrasts. we look at contrast, it means we're looking at how strongly one colour appears compared to another. Specifically, when the 2 colours are painted next to each other....

[Colour Theory] Pure-Achromatic (Greyscale)

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Getting Started: Removing Mould Lines

If you don't clean mould lines from miniatures, they'll be REALLY obvious when you paint them. There are a couple ways to approach them. I prefer using a hobby knife (X-Acto) but this can also be done with files if kids are involved. However, a file leaves a rougher...