Play like you’ve got a pair!

Had a little inspiration the other day, decided to create a twist on an old quote... Visit Wargaming Tradecraft for organized links to detailed tutorials on painting, techniques, supplies, musings and more. There's also an email link to ask the author for advice.
Warmachine & Hordes Newbie Primer

Warmachine & Hordes Newbie Primer

It's no secret that while I started out playing Games Workshop's line of games like Epic and Warhammer 40,000, I've become a Privateer Press fan-boy over the last few years. However, every time someone asks about Warmachine and Hordes, I (and others) end up repeating...
Crackle Medium and Hordebloods Troll Rune Mage

Crackle Medium and Hordebloods Troll Rune Mage

 Crackle Medium is a nifty supply because it creates some really cool textures and effects just by letting it dry. There are multiple brands and they all work a little differently, so you should definitely read the instructions and test before using it on a real...
[Review] Battle Foam P.A.C.K. 1520XL Custom

[Review] Battle Foam P.A.C.K. 1520XL Custom

TheWife and her parents bought me an early Christmas present last year - a Battle Foam carrying case for my Hordebloods army. Specifically, the P.A.C.K. 1520XL Custom. It's probably about time for me to do a review on the product. (US) Thanksgiving was a...
Airbrushing Index

Airbrushing Index

I wrote a series of articles on many of the things that goes into airbrushing some time ago. This page is an index of those articles and will be updated as I write more.These guides are intended to give you a comprehensive understanding of how everything that goes...