by Dave Garbe | Mar 18, 2014
Over the next few weeks I'll be looking at working with some hobby supplies that can be nastier than average or just a pain to clean off your skin. More commonly, this means stuff like super-glue, remover and accelerator or spray primer, but a less common example...
by Dave Garbe | Mar 14, 2014
Craft stores like Michaels and Hobby Lobby sell small mirrors for various projects. I could definitely see some use for them on terrain, could be kind of cool to see reflections of the battle on buildings and such that decorate it.Today, I'm going to look at using...
by Dave Garbe | Mar 7, 2014
Another Hordeblood takes to the field! Today, the Champion Hero boldly leads his fellow Champions across the field of battle in full painted glory.This'll be a full WIP from start to (mostly) finish. I'm withholding one section as it'll be its own...
by Dave Garbe | Mar 4, 2014
Below is an alphabetical list of various terms you'll come across while hobbying, brief descriptions of them and links to articles I've written on them. This is another living document so I'll add to it as I expand this website.If there isn't a link to something, I...
by Dave Garbe | Feb 28, 2014
In the first post about my Warders, I looked at attaching horns and sculpting hair on the heads. As I found with my Runeshapers, when you put a big Tauren-looking head sticking out of a troll's body, the scale gets funky and the torso looks too small.In todays post...