Fletching (Creating) Arrows

You may have noticed a wound on the wrap up post for my Hordebloods Axer Blademaster. It was an arrow that I made out of guitar string and feathers - pretty straight forward stuff but a nice way to add realism to a project.Little details like this, wounds for example,...

Fletching (Creating) Arrows

You may have noticed a wound on the wrap up post for my Hordebloods Axer Blademaster. It was an arrow that I made out of guitar string and feathers - pretty straight forward stuff but a nice way to add realism to a project.Little details like this, wounds for example,...

Strange Magic – Part 2

When I last looked at creating some movie magic from Doctor Strange and applying it to miniatures, it was for the floating runes.This week I'm going to look at the invisible swords that were created by the antagonists. Now, to be fair, I created the below sword well...

Disassembling Miniatures

Today I'm looking at methods to disassemble miniatures so you can re-use their parts in future projects. As a bonus, there are a few tips on converting and re-posing as well! Thanks to my buddy Mark for the use of his Tau Gunship. Additional thanks to my wife Amanda,...

Hordebloods – Forsaken Fennblades WIP

I've been working on my Fennblades for quite a while now and it's past due that I post a Work in Progress post about them, especially as I'm quite proud of how they're coming along. The theme of these miniatures is undead, deep blue armour, worn weapons, with a...