Quick ‘n’ Easy Verdigris (tutorial)

Not being a master painter like some of those out there, I've never thought to put any sort of tutorial together before now, but as I sat to start painting the symbol on my dozer blade, I remembered someone somewhere asking me how I painted my bronze.As it's a simple...

Stripy Goodness

I'm thinking I'm well overdue an update, so here I am... updating. Even if just to prove (to myself more than anyone else) that this isn't just another project that's going to get started and then lost in the warp (cupboard) with all the others.Anyway, haven't had...

The Ministry for the Interior…

Sooooo...After a long night of non-sleep I made some steady progress towards getting my new 'Raider finished.Like a fool I forgot to take pictures BEFORE gluing in the cockpit, so what I have to show are "atmospheric" and "arty" [read: awkward and unsteady]...

The Thing About Landraiders…

Big targets, fairly slow, expensive and limited in their weapons configuration (the chaos ones anyway).They're also spiky, heavily armoured and usually filled with heavily armoured spiky things... and I LOVE EM!Given the opportunity I'd quite happily...

From The Warp – FTW!

I'd just like to take a moment to thank Ron over at "From The Warp" for adding these humble pages to their blog roll.I've stuck a link over on the side bar ---------------------------------------------------------------------->So if you have a moment, go forth and...