War Room is Here!

http://privateerpress.com/war-room-now-available-for-downloadAs I write this, War Room is downloading. Expect a review soon.
Am I Crazy? A Different Look at pKreoss’ Feat

Am I Crazy? A Different Look at pKreoss’ Feat

Alright.  I'm going to start this out and admit that I am not anywhere close to a knowledgeable Warmahordes player.  In fact, I am relatively new and still learning quite a few basic dynamics to the game.  That said, I may be seeing things differently...
Why’d You Pick That? Exemplar Bastions

Why’d You Pick That? Exemplar Bastions

I'm back after a couple weeks and I wanted to talk about one of Menoth's two medium based infantry, Exemplar Bastions.  Bastion are, in my opinion, pretty sweet models and reek of high fantasy.  Models encased in huge armor wielding magical, blessed...
Why’d You Pick That? Temple Flameguard

Why’d You Pick That? Temple Flameguard

Ahh.  Blogging.  I remember being able to post once every day or two.  Those were the days.  Nonetheless, it feels good to be on the laptop typing away again.  I'm hoping to put some more content down in the near future starting today. I've...

Raising an Impervious Wall: Using Paladins and Vilmon

Well, with all of the reporting on Lock and Load, Colossals, Gargantuans, and other goodies, the bug has really hit me lately.  At least hard enough to do some blogging myself.  IRL I'm still training hard for my new job, so posts aren't regular by any...