Flexibility, One of your Best Allies

Hey folks.  It's been awhile.  Real life has definitely taken a priority lately and between responsibilities and other work opportunities, I haven't have much time to paint or play.  However, business took me to my LGS tonight and I got a chance to...

The Templar Wolves Have Got to Go

Howdy folks.  It’s been a good while since I blogged.  I’m sure many of you thought I was dead.  Sorry for the break.  Getting into a new line of work, especially one that requires a ton of training, means I have no time for blogging.  The...

One of Those Weeks

Man.  This week has killed me.  I am currently transitioning careers, from one to a totally different one.  That said, life has been a bit hectic. On top of that, I have had quite a few commissions come across my worktable.  I have had a chance to...
Warmachine the Way I See It: Synergy…Ad Naseum

Warmachine the Way I See It: Synergy…Ad Naseum

Yeah, I know.  I've mentioned synergy quite a few times in regards to important parts of the Warmahordes dynamic.  It's quite obvious.  However, I really found this out from a practical standpoint this week in my games at my FLGS.  My...

Game Night: One Win, One Loss

I got over to my FLGS tonight to play some Warmahordes and got in two great games.  The first was against the local pressganger, a Skorne Player.  We played a 25pt. Killbox game.  Again, since I am learning quite a bit, we played pretty loose and my...