More Progress: Menoth Vanquisher and Eiryss, Magehunter

More Progress: Menoth Vanquisher and Eiryss, Magehunter

I have taken the weekend to get a few more Warmachine models done.  Friday night and some of Saturday were used to lay some paint on a Vanquisher and pEiryss.  I really like these models and am already pondering how to get them into my...

Black Templar Terminator Command Squad List

I promised a list after writing my article about the usefulness of Terminator Command Squads in a Black Templar army. Below are my thoughts on it.Warning! Warning!  I don't think that this list is particularly competitive.  It certainly has many threats and...
The Random Element and Black Templar Strengths and Weaknesses

The Random Element and Black Templar Strengths and Weaknesses

It's no mystery that games of chance rely on randomness to provide challenge and loss-reward relationships.  If there were no randomness, casinos across the world would be out of business.  Games like 40k, Warmahordes, and even Monopoly all rely on the use...
Are Black Templar Terminator Command Squads a More Viable Option?

Are Black Templar Terminator Command Squads a More Viable Option?

It's been awhile since I last posted about 40k.  I have to say that Warmahordes has really captured my interest.  That said, I sold my Blood Angels DoA army because I just wasn't going to get it painted with all of my commission work and Menoth army to work...