Fire of Salvation Conversion, Building Complete

Fire of Salvation Conversion, Building Complete

Last week I wrote a post about the the difference in converting Privateer Press models and other gaming miniatures.  In the past, I have done extensive conversions in my Warhammer Fantasy and 40k armies.  However, I have been really interested to find out...
Warmachine the Way I See It: Ingenuity and Risk

Warmachine the Way I See It: Ingenuity and Risk

I have been doing a lot of research lately, watching a lot of battle reports online.  Youtube truly is great.  I have noticed an underlying theme to Warmahordes games: ingenuity and risk.  The game is structured to encourage these things.  I've...
Ah, the Learning Curve is Back

Ah, the Learning Curve is Back

If you read my last post, I had a great time playing my first game with my Menoth army. It was a blast, but it reminded me of something.  The learning curve. Ugh!  I forgot about this guy.  I have been playing Warhammer Fantasy for 8 years and 40k for...

That. Was. Awesome.

So, it happened.I finally got in my first game with a full painted Menoth Army.  Not only that, but I got to experience a really interesting scenario.  I came into my LGS to try for a pickup game tonight and found out that they were wrapping up an...
Finally, pKreoss is Ready to Fight

Finally, pKreoss is Ready to Fight

That's it!  I finished the last bit of work on a Vassal Mechanik tonight and I now have a playable 35pt. pKreoss list.  I'm really excited to have the whole thing painted, based, and ready for action.  I have a ton more to paint, but I also have...