Conversions and Warmachine

Conversions and Warmachine

If you follow my blog, it's obvious by now that I am a commission painter. I also convert models, especially my own.  However, when I get into a new gaming system, I am tentative.  Being new to Warmachine, I am a bit edgy about performing in big-time...
Gone to Ground meets the 11th Company

Gone to Ground meets the 11th Company

If you are into listening to podcasts and 40k, I highly recommend 11th company.  It's a really solid podcast and the guys keep it entertaining and fairly clean, something I really enjoy.  That said, 11th Company is perhaps one of the biggest blogs out there...
Menoth Bastions Model Review

Menoth Bastions Model Review

My Exemplar horde is growing steadily each day. I have to get a few more models in the mail and everything will be ready for the great crusade to beat face and light stuff on fire!  That said, today, I received a unit of 5 Bastions and a second unit of 6 Knights...
Foodhammer 2K11 Best Painting

Foodhammer 2K11 Best Painting

Everyone,Just a quick update today, time is limited!  Last week, a friend and I made the trip up to Flint, MI (4 hours!) to play in the Foodhammer 2011 charity tournament!A big "Thanks!" to all the guys at Fresh Coast 40K and Gamers Sanctuary for hosting this...
Contemptor Dread Update, Death Company Stormraven WIP

Contemptor Dread Update, Death Company Stormraven WIP

Hey all,I've made some serious progress on my Angels Sanguine Contemptor Dreadnought.  I've still got some weathering and stuff to finish, and the base only has a basecoat, but it's starting to come together.I also still need to finish environmental effects, like...