by Dave | Aug 7, 2011
This week, I've decided to show off my Logan Grimnar conversion. I posted some WIP shots a while back, but I've since completed him. Here he is in all his glory:I really, really dislike the official GW model for Logan, and when I started this model it was...
by Dave | Jul 31, 2011
This week, I decided to show off my 2 Wolf Scout squads. One squad is pretty basic:It's a 5-man squad, with few upgrades. But, there is one Scout with a Meltagun:The Meltagun is kit-bashed a bit. It is a Bolter, with the barrel of a spare Dreadnought...
by Dave | Jul 24, 2011
Hey everyone,It's been a while, but things have been hectic lately. I've actually managed to get a lot done over the last few weeks, and even managed to get 3 games of 40K in! I don't have battle reports, but I won 2 out of 3. I'm starting to get the...
by Dave | May 23, 2011
Wow, it has been too long since my last post! Things have been hectic around the old homestead, so hobby time has been prety hard to come by for the last few weeks...But, I have had time to (mostly) finish up my first Imperial Sector building:This is the...
by Dave | May 1, 2011
I finally found the time to snap some pics of a few of the HQ conversions I've done for my Space Wolves force. They are in various stages of painting, but I wanted to share them from a conversion point of view.I'll start with my favorite conversion so...