TERRAIN – Dark Deeds Demo Table – Part 1

I recently completed another fun terrain commission, this time for Games & Gears and with a bit of a twist. Rather than being a display or demo table for a miniatures game, it was a display/demo table for their card game Dark Deeds (created by some of my mates...

POST-APOC – Survivors, from Brigade Games (Part 3)

And here are the final ten models from the original 30 I painted for Brigade Games. Tons of fun painting them, and doing some research to get some of them to look like characters we might know and love ; )You can find them HERE on the Brigade Games website.

POST-APOC – Survivors, from Brigade Games (Part 2)

Here are the next ten Post-Apocalyptic models from Brigade Games. I had a lot of fun painting these. Some schemes were inspired by post-apoc movies and TV series, others were informed by the model (especially the red plaid shirt on the guy in the overalls).The models...

POST-APOC – Survivors from Brigade Games (part 1)

I'm still crazy busy at the moment, so I thought I might show you a few models that I painted earlier in the year. These cool, post-apocalyptic figures are from Brigade games and were part of a Kickstarter that Lon ran. The models are now available on the Brigade...

Introducing the 2016 NOVA Open Charitable Foundation Raffles!

For the last few years I've been involved in painting for and/or organizing the creation of excellent 40K armies top be raffled off by the NOCF. At the end of 2014 I even joined the board of the NOCF!Well, things have been quiet on this blog for the last couple of...