HERESY! – Death Guard Contemptor finally complete!

It has been a while, but since I finished the Warlord, I've gone back and taken a closer look at what I need to work on for my Death Guard. This Contemptor Dreadnought has been sitting on my painting table for a little over TWO years! I've painted on it here and...

WARLORD – Some nice photos!

It has been two weeks since AdeptiCon and I'm not sure I've had a chance to breathe since then. April is shaping up to be my busiest month ever! Anyway, I promised you good folks some photos of my Warlord - Domitor Fortis, Warlord of Legio Crucius - and here it is. I...

WARLORD – Finally, the Warlord Titan Build is complete!

Ok, so after six long and occasionally grueling months the Warlord Titan (Domitor Fortis of the Legio Crucius) is now ready to walk!Last night at AdeptiCon, I was able to reveal the Warlord to my assembled Liber Titanitcus class. There was a lot of chat about how I...

WARLORD – And now the Decals!

My apologies for the delay on this one. Food poisoning sidelined me for most of Friday and Saturday. A total bummer. So, once I could move further than ten feet from the bathroom, I set to applying the decals to the Warlord and added some extra chipping and weathering...