Something completely different – I made a thing!

Last year my good friend Dave Pauwels decided he wanted to put together a project that was an homage to DUNE (the novel celebrated its 50th birthday in 2015). He had a sculptor in the UK sculpt up some 6mm spice smugglers, a mutual friend Rich Erickson is sculpting an...

WARLORD – Part 10, Getting closer to the end!

It has been a little longer than I would have liked but I'm almost caught up with the Warlord. I put in a few hours of work on it yesterday and filmed a little bit this morning. Here's the video of where things are now at.I hope you like it, and don't forget to check...

Starting on some Dark Age models.

In my last post (HERE) I noted that I had done some Marketing Planning for Cool Mini or Not (CMoN). Towards the end of last year I put together a plan to help grow their two miniatures games - Wrath of Kings and Dark Age. The folks at CMoN liked my plans and have...