AdeptiCon Registration opens today!

So, I completely spaced on letting you all know about the classes I'm running at AdeptiCon 2016, but hopefully you'll see this before the cart goes live later today.I'm running my Liber Metallica class (a revised version of last year's offering) twice on Thursday -...

WARLORD – A slight hiccup…

As many of you will know, when there are few posts on this blog, it generally means I'm incredibly busy with work or Real Lifeā„¢. Well, that's the current situation. Busy.I posted this photo on my Instagram account recently, hoping that the following day I'd be able to...

Mechanicum – The Knights of House Taranis

Continuing my "clearing the decks" approach to my hobby recently, I have finished off another three Imperial Knights to now take my 30K House Taranis Knights up to five (also known as a "Half-Rudge" of Knights*). Just a quick post today, as I have to run soon, but...

WARLORD – The Base has arrived!

Last night my base arrived from Ironheart Artisans. Excellent stuff. Alex worked speedily and shipped it out last Friday so that I would have it before my trip to Atlanta this week. I was so excited that I figured I'd put to gather a quick (for me) video about it.Take...

WARLORD – Finally, I put glue on the model!

Well, I was able to get in some construction time on Monday and am now the proud owner of two (mostly constructed) Warlord Titan lower legs!I'm not sure what was going on with the video set up. The lighting was the same throughout, although it might not appear that...