Mad Max Monster Trucks! Final batch painted.

The Client received his package of twelve Monster Trucks yesterday, and he was very pleased (which, of course, makes me very happy). This was a great commission to work on as I was given free rein, allowed to channel my inner George Miller, and create some crazy...

Solar Auxilia – Welcome Dauntless, the Stormlord.

I'm not sure why it took me so long* to paint this model. I guess I was waiting for the right project, or I was feeling a little daunted by what I felt was going to be a LOT of work. Perhaps I just needed to get a few other vehicles under my belt in a scheme I was...

Mad Max Monster Trucks – Part 4

And here we are, with the penultimate post on the Mad Max Monster Trucks. Something I forgot to mention in the first construction post was the strangeness involved in creating Fury Road versions of monster trucks. With a regular car, there are plenty of things...

Solar Auxilia – A whirlwind of activity

With all the other Mad Max fun going on, I figured I should break it up with something 30K-related. I present to you all the third Solar Auxilia Dracosan Transport : )I received all three as the Christmas gift from my family last year and although I painted the first...

Mad Max Monster Trucks – Part 3

In yesterday's post I presented the construction photos for the first batch of Monster Trucks that will be making an appearance at AdeptiCon next year. Now I'm ready to show off the finished goods : )Note: I actually finished painting these last week, I'm not that...