Mad Max Monster Trucks – Part 2

I teased you all with a few shots of some Monster Trucks earlier in the month. Well I now have all of the first batch of trucks finished, and I am working on a second batch. I figured that I'd roll them out over the course of a few posts, so you can see the build...

October Kickstarter plugs : )

Sometimes things are a bit quiet, but at other times you have three friends who all have quite different Kickstarters running at the same time! Here are my three friends and there various  projects : )First up is John, from Ninja Division, with their Kickstarter...

WARLORD – Video 3 is now up on YouTube : )

I'm very excited. The next video is complete and up on YouTube. I'm starting to get the hang of a few things. Hopefully you are feeling a bit of an improvement overall with these videos. Certainly an interesting medium to work in.In this video you can also see the...

Mechanicum – Tech-Priest Dominus

This cool model was released just after I hit pause on my Adepts Mechanics plastics purchases earlier this year. With all the work I had coming up, I knew I wouldn't be able to get to him in a timely fashion. More recently, I have been reading through the Skittari and...

Solar Auxilia – Another distraction…

There were a few moments last week where I was tidying up my iPad, and tapping away at a few thoughts. While doing so, I stumbled across the "collection" army list for the Solar Auxillia, just over 3,500 points worth. Taking closer look, I realized that if I simply...