Malifaux – The Guild Grows…

Looking back over my posts about Malifaux, it seems I have a small flurry of posts each year. Two years ago I covered the painting of my Lucas McCabe crew. Last year I chronicled my introduction to the game itself. This year, it's more toy soldiers : )My gaming group...

Mechanicum – A little distraction, if you will…

As a distraction from the enormity that is the Warlord Titan Build, I recently finished off these crazy dudes. The Scylla Guardian-Automata Coven are so incredibly Blanchian that I knew I had to have them as soon as I saw them. It is surprising, therefore that it took...

Mad Max Monster Trucks!

While I wait for the next Warlord Titan Build video to render (I think that's the right term) I thought I'd show you the next commission I have on my plate. My client has been quite impressed by all the Mad Max: Fury Road-inspired cars I've been building, so he...