The Results are in…

A huge thank you to all those who dipped into their pockets and purchased raffle tickets for any of the various raffles the NOCF ran this past weekend. Between the Sons of Orar Space Marines, the Alaitoc Eldar, the FOW Polish army, the seven Malifaux crews, the Corvus...

Did you know…?

Did you know that the NOCF isn't just raffling off 40K and Flames Of War armies (and SEVEN Malifaux crews!), but we also have three smaller raffles for three lovely pieces of miniature art.Each of these pieces (pictured below) have a limited number of tickets (only...

Starting to clear the decks…

Next month is going to be a month of planning and announcements. In preparation for this planning and these announcements I have started to clear older projects off my desk (by finishing them, finally).The first of these is a unit of Vorax battle automata. I bought...

Vroom! Vroom! – A farm truck and a Rolls Royce.

Obviously I'm really enjoying working on these cars : )Last Sunday, my daughter gave me this Chevy truck from her visit to Hershey's Chocolate World the day before. She thought I might like it for my growing collection of Mad Max-style cars. As it had a farm truck...

Battle for the Craftworld – Painting up the Librarian

Well, it has been a little while since I plugged the NOCF 2015 Charity Army Raffles here on my blog, but today I get to do it and give you a couple of step-by-steps along the way : )If you want to buy tickets to win the Librarian pictured above (and the rest of the...