Vroom! Vroom! – finally, more cars are rolling!

After my last post (HERE), I was pretty excited about building and painting little cars again. Here's the painted version of my modern day ride, the Flammencruizer!I painted the whole car in the polished silver first, and then added the rusty patches and rusty...

Do you remember when…

...I was working on my Imperial Knights?I worked on some "custom decals" for my 30K version of the House Taranis iconography. These were pretty darn cool. A huge thank you to my friend Chris for tackling the printing of these for me.There was only one real let down...

Well, I’m back…

Back from my trip to Europe to celebrate my 10-year wedding anniversary. I have loads of cool photos to share for various reasons, and will do so in the coming weeks.Today, however, I wanted to highlight the first two armies completed for NOVA Open Charitable...

Geek Nation Tours – Battlefields of Waterloo 2015 tour!

Well, if I haven't told you about it before, I can tell you about it now....I'm currently enjoying the awesomeness that is the Geek Nation Tours - Battlefields of Waterloo tour (celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the battle today, actually). We've done soooooo much...