The 2017 NOCF Raffles!

Another year and another host of wonderful armies and collections and individual models up for grabs! We have had a lot of wonderful people donate their time and talents in order to raise money for the various causes supported by the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation....

HORUS HERESY – Leman Russ and his Wolf-kin

I recently had the chance to work on my first Forgeworld Primarch model, Leman Russ. It was interesting returning to him after I had converted and painted one a bunch of years ago (almost seven years! Check it out HERE).Obviously the Forgeworld model is a better...

ADEPTICON – The Loot Part 3

I think this is the final "Loot" post from AdeptiCon. It seems I bought quite a bit of stuff (not too much, just more than usual for me).Well, here it is, my lovely, new Tablewar case! After borrowing a friend's case last year to schlepp stuff to Northern Ireland for...

ADEPTICON – The Loot Part 2

Of course I had to pick up some Dark Age minis at AdeptiCon this year. I bought my own copy of the two-player starter set - Path to Glory - and a few models to wrap up my collection of Bounty Hunters - John Carter, Dedlock, and some Junkers for a conversion or three :...

ADEPTICON – The Loot – Part 1

I've mentioned it before, but AdeptiCon was incredibly crazy busy! I did, however, make a little bit of time to do some shopping. First up, I finally bought models for my first ever TNT warband (above). I've always been partial to the idea of the Caravaners, but...