DARK AGE – Saint Mark and his followers.

Well, AdeptiCon can really take it out of you. Four incredible days of non-stop action and conversations about all sorts of toy soldier goodness. I have basically been drained by it all, until now.So, getting back to the Dark Age goodness these are my latest models,...

DARK AGE – The new 2-player starter set!

I started this "Month of Dark Age"because we're releasing the 2-player starter set this Friday (or Thursday if you happen to be at AdeptiCon). If you'd like to get a good look at the contents of the box, you can do so HERE. In preparation for the NOCF Raffle...

WRECK-AGE – A Kickstarter for Post-Collapse Vehicles

I've been working recently with the guys from Hyacinth Games on their latest Kickstarter campaign to bring vehicles of various sorts to the world of Wreck-Age.If you are into post-apocalyptic gaming, check out the Kickstarter and see if you're interested in the cool...

DARK AGE – The Shadow Caste Dragyri

One of the cool things about doing work for a miniatures company is, of course, being able to get your hands on minis early. This is one of those cases. I was able to get a hold of some of the lovely Shadow Caste Dragyri miniatures that surfaced for the very first...

DARK AGE – The Fire Caste Dragyri

While I was painting up the Salt Flat Nomads from my previous post, I was eyeing up a couple of other factions - primarily the Forsaken (as I love my "humans against the fantastic" but also the Fire Caste Dragyri as they seemed to suit my play style.The Dragyri are an...