DARK AGE – The Salt Flat Nomads

Welcome back! I know I have shown some of these before, but I figured I should start this look at my Dark Age collection with where it all began - the Salt Flat Nomads.Dark Age has seven different 'primary" factions, and these are then (typically) broken down into a...

DARK AGE – A month of posts!

Over the last 15 months of so, I've been doing quite a bit of work for CoolMiniOrNot, primarily focused on grassroots promotion and marketing for Dark Age and Wrath of Kings. Over that time I've painted a LOT of Dark Age models. In honor of the game's first...

INQUISITOR – Power Armor comes in ALL shapes and sizes

I had time over February to paint up another two models for the ongoing Inquisitor commission that has now entered its second year. I chose two models that differed in size and detail, but were both armored and loyal to the Imperium.The first is Brother Hexanchus of...

THOUSAND SONS – Magnus the Red!

I mentioned in yesterday's post that I had also worked on a Magnus the Red... well... here he is!My client was after something very close to the box art, and that seemed like a very cool proposition, at the start. The further and further I got into the painting I...

THOUSAND SONS – A squad of Rubric Marines

I recently finished a commission for these ten Rubric Marines and the might Magnus the Red. I handed them off to the client on the weekend and he was very happy, always a good thing : )It has been a long time since I painted some Thousand Sons, and these new models...