So, what’s next? What should I work on?

It has been quite a while since I completed the Warlord Titan build. I've not recorded a video since, so maybe it is time to get back on the horse. What do you fine readers want to see?CheersDave

WRATH OF KINGS – My Nasier collection

Sooooooooo busy! Working 60+ hours a week and raising two crazy kids. But enough of my excuses. MOAR toy soldiers!Over the past nine months I've been working part-time for CoolMiniOrNot, anywhere from one to two weeks out of each month, focusing on marketing and...

NOCF 2016 CHARITY RAFFLES – Last few days to buy tickets!

I've been a little bit quiet on the blog here this summer, but I really needed to tell you all about the great NOVA Open Charitable Foundation that we have on offer this year! Raffles will be drawn on Sunday, September 4. Proceeds benefit Doctors Without Borders, The...

SAGA – A 6pt Saracens Warband

And finally, this Saracen warband. After the limited palette of the Crusaders, it was nice to be able to break out a wide variety of colors for these models. As with earlier warbands, the shield decals were from Little Big Men Studios.I hope you've enjoyed this big...

SAGA – A 6pt Crusader Warband

And here are the Crusaders, second to last SAGA warband for this hefty commission. My client wanted to go with a Hospitalier look, and for a minute I thought I'd be painting lots of white! A quick Google search and I discovered I was looking at lots of black : )Final...