SAGA – A 6pt Skraelings Warband

Warband number two for my big SAGA commission are these Skraelings. Lovely sculpts from Footsore miniatures, a fairly straightforward color scheme, and hordes of spear-wielding braves created quite a nice looking warband on the tabletop.Yep, that's 12 archers and 40...

SAGA – A 6pt Princes of Rus Warband

Well, aren't summers just the busiest time of the year? I can't believe that I've neglected this blog as much as I have. I feel pretty bad about it, but a little worse about neglecting all the wonderful blogs on my blog roll. Over the comings weeks and months I...

CROWDFUNDING – Hobby Transporter!

So, an old buddy from Australia is currently working on getting his dream of a super cool Hobby Transporter funded. Michael Cruise (of Laser Shark Designs) has spent quite a bit of time testing out different designs, trying to get just the right mix of storage,...

CROWDFUNDING – A couple of quick plugs!

It has been a little while since I plugged a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign on the blog here, and currently there are two being run by two friends. I thought this little lull right before Gencon might be a good place to slip this in. ; )First up we have Tablescapes...

TERRAIN – Dark Deeds Demo Table – Part 2

So, in the last post we went through the construction stage of the table, all fun stuff, and not without its trials and tribulations. Of course, good construction can only get you so far towards "Epic", so I knew that most of my time needed to be focused on the...