by David Bowles | Jan 15, 2014
I'm back again for another installment in the review series, continuing the Legion of Everblight theme (surprise surprise) and this week I've decided to look at another solo, a solo I find very useful and can be a great option to surprise your opponent, the Spell...
by David Bowles | Jan 8, 2014
Its already week 2 of the new year (I'm still trying to work out what happened to Christmas) and I'm keeping pace with the series (Martok can be a bit scary at times, for a Princess(I am both beautiful and wrathful this is true), this week, to follow on from last week...
by David Bowles | Jan 2, 2014
Hey guys, I'm back. It's a new year and time to make sure that the momentum isn't lost, so I'm going to jump straight into continuing the Legion of Everblight unit reviews.We're going to start the year with a unit that is one of the most dominating on the...
by David Bowles | Dec 25, 2013
Hello again gamers, it's that time of the week again where I look at another entry in the Warmachine and Hordes books, continuing with Legion of Everblight.This week though I decided for something a bit different, so instead of a unit, I'm going to look at a solo, and...
by David Bowles | Dec 18, 2013
Another week has gone by world, so once again it's that time where we take a look at another unit in the Iron Kingdoms setting.Still with Legion of Everblight, but this week I will be having a look at a unit that I have been using in a few of my lists recently and is...