Preparing the Masque – 3rd Party Harlequin Jetbikes

So by now most of you have heard about the impending re-release of Eldar Harlequins. Buckets of salt or not, this is tasty tasty news. Of the five major sub types of Eldar, only the Exodites remain - and that Forgeworld Smaug model certainly does beg for becoming a...

The Second Wave – Corsairs, Wraithguard & Guardians

A new year, a new batch of miniatures to be sent off to Navin and his crew at - These guys do a fantastic job of smashing out the troops and elites component of the Warhost, with  around 1200 miniatures in the total commission - roughly...

Harbingers of the Void – Twin Phantom Reapers

First up, Happy New Year to all :) hopefully each of you have your New Years resolutions all planed out with lots of Wargaming thrown in for good measure.Steve has just sent an update for the two Forgeworld Phantoms, dubbed "Void Reapers" given their menacing...

Phoenix Lord Fuegan & Female Striking Scorpion Exarch WIP

If ever there was a cure for Mondayitis, Vincent is the man. I awoke to good news on his front of little upcoming addition to his family (congrats mate!) and the latest WIP image to arrive. Here we have the Eldar Phoenix Lord Fuegan and 3rd party Female Striking...

Planetscape update – Eldar Terrain

Elliot from over at Custom Terrain has recently (ok i'm a little behind on this one) sent me an update on the terrain he's been working on for the Dras'Volharr Planetscape. At this rate the table isn't very far off being completed, so I guess now I have to consider a...