Tables & Titans – Planetscape & Phantoms Nearing Completion

This week i've had both Steve and Elliot contact me with regard to current WIP projects, and given the Dras'Volharr Planetscape is oh so very close to being completed, i'm quite eager to post up the photos from Elliot's own website CustomTerrain.netSteve has also been...

Phantom Titan WIP – Shoulderpad Runes & Death Masks

New runes have been consolidated to create some new Titan glyphs for the shoulders and hip guards, albeit with a few layers of shading left to go. The ground forces contain the scorpions tail insignia and venom drip, in contrast to the airwing's more avian stylised...
Harbingers of the Void – Eldar Phantom Titans WIP

Harbingers of the Void – Eldar Phantom Titans WIP

Steve has been hard at it, building up the layers on both Eldar Forgeworld Phantom Titans. While i'm still working out names for these two, and converting them into the Eldar tongue, they definitely have a menacing "reaper" quality to them. With the Hell Turkey being...