Webway goodness – Dras’Volharr theme table update

Webway goodness – Dras’Volharr theme table update

Hi all, well I have to say I missed this update recently and decided it would be a good idea to throw down some images on the blog. Elliot over at customterrain.net has been busy making terrain structures for the Dras'Volharr 8x6 foot theme table. The most recent...
One Year On – I need to start charging rent

One Year On – I need to start charging rent

Well today marks the one year anniversary of WCWDB going live as part of a rather insane project. This being the 97th post (hah, funny given the collection started in '97), i'd say not a bad effort almost averaging two posts a week.Creating this blog was probably the...
Staring at the Sun – Swooping Hawks

Staring at the Sun – Swooping Hawks

Time for a quick update! The first batch of Swooping Hawks have been completed (roughly half of the 40+) and come out quite nice for the contrast I was looking for. Looks like Navin's new talent certainly is picking up speed and quality, consider me a happy camper...