My Little Pony of Death… Bright Stallion Knight

My Little Pony of Death… Bright Stallion Knight

That's right - screw your Imperial Knights (which aren't Titans by the way). Just a few hours ago an email came through confirming the sale of an Eldar Bright Stallion Knight made in the Armorcast era, with very limited castings, if I recall correctly it was only half...
Titans – Six of one, half a dozen of the other

Titans – Six of one, half a dozen of the other

If I ever win the lottery, remind me to send Steve a cut. Spent a few hours cutting excess resin chunks from six Titans (two Phantoms and four Revenants - suddenly the old Armorcast ones seem more appealing).While there is a second batch of Titans to go...
I love the smell of Napalm in the morning

I love the smell of Napalm in the morning

... It smells like... Victory.Yep, I now have shots of the three Super Heavy Flyers as a group of winged death. Just wait until the 20 accompanying smaller flyers join them. Given these guys are all Corsair based with their individual paint jobs (with an underlying...
Some days you just have to bite the bullet

Some days you just have to bite the bullet

And that day has come - don't worry, i'm not abandoning this Eldar project. Instead, i've come to the realisation that the Space Marines and Tyranids just aren't going to get the love they deserve, and in a bid to keep this Eldar Warhost moving along... well... they...