Reaper of Souls – Vampire Hunter WIP #2

Reaper of Souls – Vampire Hunter WIP #2

Now this truly pays homage to the Dras'Volharr namesake. Steve from Third Fate Creations has just emailed me the recent update (formerly 30% done, now id' say closer to 75%) for the Eldar Vampire Hunter. With the three flying stands on their way to mount the trio of...


I've had a few queries now as to this horde of miniatures that has kept me out of trouble all these years. I thought it was about time in between updates, to answer those questions as a small FAQ as it were.So without further ado;1. Why did you decide to only collect...
Vampire Hunter WIP – Winged Death Incarnate

Vampire Hunter WIP – Winged Death Incarnate

The latest in the trio of Winged Harbingers is now at the WIP stage. Keeping in mind this is just the very beginning for this Vampire variant, probably about a third done, with other colours to come with which to bind it in theme. Steve has gone for a Giger style...
Craftworld Dras’Volharr Rune – Coloured in

Craftworld Dras’Volharr Rune – Coloured in

Steve has taken the Craftworld rune and applied it to the Vampire Raiders, in the process making an image that could very easily turn into a stencil/transfer. I love the way this has turned out with the NMM effect, which I think will work very well overall.And the...
How to pick a Commissioned Artist

How to pick a Commissioned Artist

Previously, I wrote about how best to manage the expectations through employing a Commissioned Artist. I thought given I have at least eight artists currently working on the Warhost that now would be a good time (a year on from when all this started) to provide some...