Don’t Hassle the Hoff – Unless you’re a Corsair

Don’t Hassle the Hoff – Unless you’re a Corsair

So it seems +David Hasselhoff  has been enjoying a spot of photo bombing, with the help of Google. Yep, it's a real thing - this is the image alert I just had pop up...Well...
Eldar Corsairs PDF – Update #2

Eldar Corsairs PDF – Update #2

I'm a couple of days late with this post. Forge World have replied to an update email regarding the status of an updated Corsair Army list. This was their reply;"Hi, thank you for your email.  At this current time, we do not have any information as to when a new...
Vampire Raiders – Fire & Ice

Vampire Raiders – Fire & Ice

Steve from Third Fate Creations just emailed me the latest WIP image of the second Vampire Raider - or twins, fire and ice. Both are around the 1/2 to 2/3rds complete mark, with detailing to go... which in itself is pretty impressive. The last of the trio is the...
Craftworld Dras’Volharr

Craftworld Dras’Volharr

After some back and forth design concepts with Steve, manipulation, twists and turns - A rune has been chosen to represent Craftworld Dras'Volharr. The Sun Dragon Phoenix, Eclipse and Sun combined to give meaning to the namesake - in Eldar, Dras'Volharr translates to...
Planetscape progress…

Planetscape progress…

Elliot from has just updated me on the latest with the Planetscape. He has finished off most of the detailing work for the board, picked out a new colour set and completed the rune tiling - very happy indeed. So, a few happy snaps of the progress;