Unreleased Spiritseer – Iyanna Arienal

Unreleased Spiritseer – Iyanna Arienal

Seriously being spoiled here. Vincent has just sent me photos of the latest work of art, my original copy of Juan Diaz' unreleased test sculpt Iyanna Arienal. He has done a water manupulator theme with her, complete with clear resin raging water effect for the base -...

Dave’s Eldar Dataslates – Part 1

With all the crazy attention that the latest LVO lists have attracted lately, Eldar are most certainly not going to be flavor of the month. Despite this, i've been messing about with the idea of some unit specific (of not Craftworld themed) Dataslates. None of the...
TSoM: Feng Shui your Coffee Table

TSoM: Feng Shui your Coffee Table

Luke & Adam from The Sound of Machines have just released a fancy pants Coffee table book (or PDF/ePub if your Coffee table has its own iPad/tablet), chocked full of their larger projects over the last few years.As they've done a good chunk of my Eldar (with still...
Themed Eldar Table – Ruins & Ridges

Themed Eldar Table – Ruins & Ridges

Elliot from CustomTerrain.net has flicked me a couple of updates over the weekend, both quite tasty. The first being the completion of the mountain range and the second being worn ruins.First up, the range; And the ruins;The full project log can be found here.
A New Artist Emerges – The Titan Host & Thundering Skies

A New Artist Emerges – The Titan Host & Thundering Skies

After 12 hours worth of discussion, idea pitching and general all round craziness, a new artist joins the fold - This time to tackle the big boys of the battlefield.Steve, from Third Fate Creations, has been locked in and taken up the torch in a bid to bring some...