Eldar Hornets – Packing a sting

Just a little teaser of the most recent painted additions, twin Pulse Laser wielding Hornets. Who doesn't like the Vypers slightly bigger cousin packing twin f*&k off lasers? Actually my Vypers have been collecting a little dust, despite being the miniatures that...

Hibernation… And Dawn of War III

Well it has been a while since my last post here. With the new Dawn of War III announcement, I figured I best update this blog with where things are at. The project is still going, however buying a house and saving for display space has been prioritised before the...

Are we there yet? – Half way point healthcheck

So Saturday brought with it an email of completion for the last batch of Aspects sent over to PaintedFigs.com - meaning the Warhost is now at 50% painted status. Yep, all the little buggers are done (spare a handful here and there), with vehicles and the remaining War...

Arrrrrrr… ye’ free Saturday night? Corsairs en route

By now most of you have heard about the re-release of IA11 - The Doom of Mymeara. In the latest revamp of a golden oldie, we're getting all kinds of new happy fun time goodies... including access to Wraithknights with a slew of new weapons, Wraith Titans (rules to be...

Update: Paying rent to the Eldar

It has been a bit of a long standing joke that I'd have to buy a house simply for the Craftworld. Sadly there is a little truth in this, as one of the conditions was to ensure it had a space for a display cabinet - and a fourth bedroom to store them in the interim....