3rd Party Howling Banshees – All fear the voice of Death

I've said it many times that without the assistance of many generous and helpful folks over the years this project wouldn't be enjoying the success to date, and today is no different. A certain very awesome friend from Russia made the day a little brighter by sending...

Guardians of the Galaxy – Yeah, not those guys

Guardians. At first most think "Yeah, cannon fodder", then they're hit with the realisation of a blade storm shredding their ranks with relative ease, dismissing any thought there could be no danger from mere grunts. So what does a person do when confronted with 120...

What does a 101,000+ Point Warhost Consist of?

The great census of 2015. If you've ever wondered what this monster of a collection consists of... well below should give a pretty good summary. Keeping in mind this has not taken into account the new models having been released in the last fortnight. Yes there will...

Dras’Volharr Corsairs – Pirates of the Void

Those of you who have been around since the days of Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader will remember with fondness the stories of Pirate Eldar, their lightning raids and general shenanigans.Luckily, Forgeworld decided to step in with Imperial Armour 11: The Doom of...

The Dying No More – Eldar in 7th Edition

Well unless you've been living under a rock, there has been alot of talk the last couple of weeks about the next iteration of the Eldar Codex. This time around we have a book that combines the following;1. The five major Craftworlds2. Formations left right and...