Conclave of the Sun Dragon – Update #2

Remember the concept Phoenix Bomber from early last year? Well a couple of months after that a number of squadrons joined its ranks and i've recently had a WIP update - with a few gems and decals to go.In case you're wondering, they're going to look a little something...

Veil-Walker Consul – Wraithguard (Batch #1)

So Navin over at and his crew have finished off the first batch of Wraithguard (70 old OOP metals) which form the grunt of the Veil-Walker Consul. So far the Wraithseer, Iyanna and Spirit Seers have been finished, with the concepts for Wraithlords and...

Corsairs of the Dras’Volharr – Concept

As some of you might have picked up, the Dras'Volharr contain a substantial amount of Corsair inhabitants, from Vampire Class Aircraft to Phantom Titans. The Corsair contingent has recently been bolstered by 120 Corsairs (12 groups of 10, all with heavy/special...

Winged Nightmares – Corsair Vampire Squadron

May have slipped up a bit here - these guys were done some time ago (before the Titans) - however I seem to have forgotten to put the final post up for the trio of winged death.The following three Vampires are part of the Corsair contingent, comprising of two Raiders...

Illic Nightspear – WIP

Well i've had this for a couple of weeks now yet decided to stagger out the posts rather than just bombard in one hit. Good ole Vincent has been working on this puppy alongside the Whiteseer and Iryllith Shadow Spectre Phoenix Lord. Note this is only WIP at this...