White Seer WIP – Juan Diaz Test Sculpt

Today I have some pretty groovy news, as Vincent (aka Duskfrost) has sent over some WIP shots of the Eldar White Seer. The model itself was one of the four test sculpt Juan Diaz did for Games Workshop many years ago, which were each 1 of 12. This sculpt is probably...

Phoenix Lord Irillyth Joins the Game (WIP)

A while back the lads from The Sound of Machines painted up a dozen Shadow Spectres for the Warhost, and the came up a treat (more are in the works I might add). Yesterday, Vincent (Duskfrost) sent me a WIP of the latest addition to the Warhost, Phoenix Lord Irillyth...

The other white meat – Xenos Armies

A little to the left of field this week, plugging a newly formed Facebook Xenos group - where your galaxy of origin does not matter. You might say i'm not a huge fan of Imperial stuff, it always came off as a little bland compared to the wild and wacky things Xeno...

Twin Eldar Phantom Titans – Ready to Reap

What a week. There are some you wish would you could forget - thankfully Steve managed to restore my faith in things with photos of the completed Phantom Titans. Dubbed "Reapers" these guys came up a treat, making the Chaos Hell Turkey and Land Raider suffer in...

Games Workshop – How I love you, let me count the ways…

So recently we've had some pretty funky stuff released by Games Workshop, and while I love their products, sometimes I wonder if they flip a coin on some business decisions.In the last week we had a look of shock when, for the first time in about a decade, GW released...