Dark Angel Predator WIP

Dark Angel Predator WIP

Here is a WIP from Dan playing Dark Angels. He's still working on the details, weathering (alot of it) and highlights, but it's worth showing. Enjoy !
Grey Knights Painting WIP

Grey Knights Painting WIP

As per the title ! I'm working on some Grey Knights (all magnetized) for a gift to a friend between making bawkses to move to another house.I'm pretty much just started, only base layers etc. Enjoy !
Painting WIP of an Imperial Knights

Painting WIP of an Imperial Knights

Here is an Imperial Knight from the same guy that made the Nemesis Dreadnought in the last post. It's a WIP, the painting is not yet finished. The house is a Freelance one, custom made fluff-wise by the creator, named Durance House. Enjoy !
Venerable Dreadnought

Venerable Dreadnought

Here is a slick conversion from our BA/GK player. We all think that the Games Workshop Dreadknight model is atrocious. He went further and actually corrected it with some modeling. Here are some pictures :Enjoy !