KnaveCon 5 – Countdown

Not long to go now until the next exciting installment of the mighty KnaveCon, which kicks off at 10am on April 11th, which also happens to be international tabletop day, donchaknow.Lots going on for the 5th KnaveCon including the Nationals for Settlers of Catan and...

All Quiet on the Martian Front – First Test Model

Having settled down on a few ongoing projects for the foreseeable future, I am now flitting between them. I'm finding this is keeping my painting mojo high. I decided to crack open the box for the 15mm game All Quiet on the Martian Front and have a go. This drone was...

Genestealer Cult – Hierarch Mijur

Continuing on with the cult, I painted one of my all time favourite miniatures, the cult magus with scanner. He took some tracking down, but once I had this fellow it wasn't long before I had to paint him. As with many Olley sculpts he's a riot of gorgeous texture,...

Genestealer Cult – Codex?

There's a lot of exciting rumour coming out of late, and I'm sure most of you interested in 40k will have heard the rumblings about a harlequin-sized release for the genestealer cult. You can read a bit about it here. It's popped up in a couple of places now alongside...

Genestealer Cult – Castellan Robot

After some serious detective work I managed to get my hands on some Rogue Trader Imperial robots for use with my adeptus mechanicus genestealer cult. The first off the assembly line is this venerable castellan. It's my favourite of the old robots, and was a real treat...