Genestealer Cult – Brother Char

After a hideously long time on my painting desk, the next hybrid is done. A meltagun toting 2nd generation, or brother Char to his fellows. The base model is a Mantic Games Plague model from Deadzone. I added a masked head to give him a little adeptus mechanicus feel....

Multi Player Pulp Alley – 40k Style

Last weekend we kicked off the gaming for 2015 with a large Pulp Alley game hosted by John of JustJohn fame. Saturday morning (late morning, we just can't seem to stop talking little men over pot after pot of coffee) we adjourned to John's hobby building (shed doesn't...

2014 Musing and Thoughts on the End Times

Yeeehhaaaaa!So. Another year in the hobby done. One year closer to the cold and uncaring grave.Still with me? Great. So, the year that was. A lot of great stuff hit the house of Saturday. My obsessive trading for old lead continued apace. This year though, my focus...

New Irish Blog – Tabledgames

Howdy all. Today is all about Tabledgames, a new Irish gaming blog kicking off over the next few days. Tabledgames, authored by BroCon's very own Jay McKeown is aiming to promote the Limerick gaming scene and the Irish gaming community online. It will be bringing you...
Genestealer Cult – Hybrid Aberration Finished

Genestealer Cult – Hybrid Aberration Finished

After spending a long damn time on my painting table, the heavy weapon hybrid is done. I painted him in brief snatches of hobby time over the last month, ten minutes here, half and hour there, as that's all I had available to me until recently. Anyway, he's finally...