Judgement Day Xmas Break

Cheetor and I have agreed to take a short break from the Judgement Day project.  With various other commitments at this time of year, we reckon that February first is a good time to pick things up, so Judgement Day #35 will be posted on that date.Cheetor has a...

Judgement Day Post 34 – Private Raimi

This week Judge Williams gets someone to boss around as the first member of his squad is painted. Private Raimi of Bruce Campbell block Citi-Def front and centre.The idea of roving groups of legalised militia toting lots of guns and not so much training or discipline...

Rare Miniature Charity Auction

A brother of a hobbyist friend of mine is going through some very serious medical procedures at the moment. It is putting serious financial pressure on his family at a time when they have a lot more important things to be thinking about.Some friends and I have...

Frostgrave – Deadite Warband #1

I've just finished the first member of my Frostgrave Deadite warband, Sheila. Most of the warband will consist of Bob Olley undead, as they strike me as very much deadite looking. For the apprentice though, I needed a Sheila. I've had this model for some years, and...

Judgement Day Post 32 – Undercity Alpha Werewolf

We head below city bottom this week to the undercity. A less well know denizen of the old cities are the werewolf packs. Dredd himself spent a little time running with the wolves during one of his undercity excursions during 'Cry of the Werewolf'. Originally caused by...