Kickstarter – Diehard Miniatures

For those of you with a liking for Oldhammer miniatures, and for those of you that just really like great fantasy minis, the Diehard Miniatures kickstarter is currently ongoing. There are several factions, from the amphibious tech-laden Eru-kin to the undead, humans,...

Judgement Day Post 24 – Judge Fear

Phew! That was close. I really thought this was the one that was gonna get past me, but no, Judge Fear just makes it in time for the deadline.My fears were groundless. Ahem.Oh, Judge Fear...This week sees another of the dark judges painted, the Citadel Judge Fear....

F@‪#‎K‬ YOU CANCER – Gaming Event

This morning, the owner of my FLGS, Ronan, posted an event to help raise funds for Cancer Care West in Ireland. In the same post he told us his wife has recently been diagnosed with cancer.I'm going to try and help out with raising money for the event, on the 17-18...

Genestealer Cult – Brother Scrivello

It's been a while since I added to the cult, but today brother Scrivello steps up. Scrivello is an apothecary of sorts, a loyal retainer to Magus Kurgan and an expert in human and genestealer physiology. He can sew wounds and repair organs that shouldn't even exist....

Judgement Day Post 22 – Judge Fire

This week it's one of the dark brothers, Judge Fire. The dark judges remain my favourite Dredd villians by a mile. I'm enjoying the 'Dreams of Deadworld' series in 2000AD immensely at the moment, and it put me in mind to come back to my set of the Dark judges and get...