Sons of Anorky – Rubbaleg

Quite a departure today from my recent subjects. With a gaming weekend for Cheetor's birthday imminent, we're going to give the Brewhouse Bash a go. Cheetor (Paul) has already posted his inexplicably attractive Patrick Swayzork, (Click it, it's really worth a look)...

VGG Interview

Today, in a flurry of self-promotion, I point you over to an interview I did for VGG, run by the powerfully charming Victor Gannon. Vic is the man behind the mighty KnaveCon, a behemoth of the Irish games convention calendar, and a damn good time. Am I talking about...

Judgement Day Post 20 – War Marshal Kazan

This week sees Judgement Day reach post twenty. It's been a fruitful collaboration thus far, with over four months of weekly submissions increasing our respective collections. This week, to conclude my East Meg One project I give you the main man himself, War Marshal...

Macrocosm – Malignancy New Releases

I've gotten to be quite a fan of the Macrocosm line of miniatures over the last while. Macrocosm leans heavily on the Rogue Trader era for inspiration, often taking long abandoned but still well loved factions such as the Squats and the Genestealer Cult and giving...

Macrocosm – Next Races Kickstarter Goes Live

If you likes you some Rogue Trader inspired miniatures, Macrocosm's new Kickstarter is now live, and very much worth a look. They are using it to launch two new races, the mysterious 3rd race, who utilise remote battle suits, and the Grem, a curiously well organised...