Judgement Day Post 18 – Karpov MF7 Sentenoid

Today's Judgement Day submission is the Karpov MF7 Sentenoid. Deployed to support the Sov invasion of Mega City One, this robot was a mainstay of the Sov forces during the Apocalypse War, one electrocuted Mega City One judge at a time.I've been ticking away at the...

Review – Mierce Miniatures Morannach

I recently got a very nice package from the excellent Tim Fisher from Mierce Miniatures. Tim knows my affection for things bog-related, and saw fit to send me this enormous fellow for review. In case you haven't seen him, it's the Erainn Morannach from the Darklands:...

Judgement Day – Orlok the Assassin

This week's Judgement Day offering is one of my favourite bad guys from Judge Dredd, Orlok the assassin. Orlok was an East Meg One agent who poisoned the water supply of Mega City One, leading to the mass outbreak of block mania, the precursor to the Sov invasion. He...

Macrocosm – Kickstarter Imminent

Macrocosm have announced they intend to run a kickstarter this Autumn (starting 27th August) for two new factions for their game. You can read about it here. They are the Grem, and the 3rd Race. Here's the lowdown:“Who are the 3rd race? As yet no one knows, they use...

Judgement Day – Sov Judge Officer Пашков

A slightly more substantial offering this week, Sov Judge Officer Pashkov joins the ranks of the East Meg One judiciary. Since senior judge Gogol's recent defeat by the resistance, it was only a matter of time before a card carrying member of the Dictatorat was sent...