Judgement Day Post 4 – Judge Лагранский

Judge Lagransky is my entry for Judgement Day number four. He and judge Kariyev can now dispense Sov-style justice to the weak Imperialists of Mega City One twice as fast.Now that I have my scheme tied down for painting the Sov judges, he was pretty straightforward....

BY YOUR COMMAND – Crooked Dice Cylon

Original cylons for the win yo.If, like me, you grew up on a heady diet of shiny 70s and 80s sci-fi, you'll know why I enjoyed painting this so much. Cylons were off the charts on the cool scale, and I still can't decide who would win if a cylon centurion and a...

Macrocosm – Malignancy Renegades & Weapon Teams Review

With another batch of Malignancy troops from Macrocosm hitting my welcome mat, I thought another close look at these shiny new fellows was in order. There are three packs this time, the Malformed Renegades, gatling gun team and missile launcher team. First up, lets...

Judgement Day Post 2 – Judge Кариев

я закон!I made it to post two. Hah!This week we have the first of what I'm hoping will be a growing faction. An East Meg 1 judge, we'll call him Judge Kariyev. I'm a big fan of the Apocalypse War series, and I do love the look of the East Meg judges. I'm hoping he...

Judgement Day Post 1 – Judge Mortis

I've been reading 2000AD since I was eight years old, and collecting miniatures since I was twelve. Odd then, that this is the first 2000AD miniature I've ever painted. It's nothing less than a crime. Therefore, I give you the opening model for the Mumblings end of...