Judgement Day Project

It's always nice when you discover someone has the same unhealthy obsessions as yourself. In the case of Cheetor and myself, it's Judge Dredd. Why this has not translated into a massive pile of Judge Dredd minatures is down to many reasons, but none of them a worthy...

Macrocosm – Malignancy Model Review

I recently got my hands on some of the models for the Malignancy faction for Macrocosm. (The Malignancy background is really very unpleasant/fantastic indeed.) Nothing puts a model through it's paces like painting it, and I decided to paint up one of the...

Crooked Dice – Cyl… Ah, I mean Mrk2 Argonauts

I love when you come across minis that stop you right in your tracks. Most times I weigh up what I'll use models for and if I really need them before I buy, but sometimes you don't even hesitate. So it is with the upcoming Argonaut Mrk2 models from Crooked Dice.I was...

Macrocosm – New 28mm Sci-Fi Skirmish Game

Malformed HostThere's a new skirmish game in town, Macrocosm, fresh into the gameosphere today, with some very interesting factions. Here's the lowdown from the site:Macrocosm is a 28mm Sci-Fi Skirmish game set in a future galaxy of excitement, rayguns, weird aliens...

AQ – Martian Drone Unit Finished

Slowly, but surely...Two more drones finished off the first pod (unit) of Martians. These were quick and fun to do. I even found a bit of red weed to add to the bases of one drone. I used the paper technique to affix the legs of the second and third drones, and it...