New Hobby: Infinity!

New Hobby: Infinity!

Now I'll be the first to admit the pics aren't the greatest- a bit out of focus and a bit overexposed. However, I just took a few quick pics to share and get back to it. I've picked up the Ariadna Starter Set and I'm getting it painted up first. I absolutely love the...
Iron Warriors Terminator Lord

Iron Warriors Terminator Lord

I may not end up waiting until May to start this army! :) Really enjoying the scheme- made a couple changes from the bike test model, including more stripes and more detail on the base. Up next- a Defiler!
Upcoming Army Project: Iron Warriors

Upcoming Army Project: Iron Warriors

Now that I've recently finished (for the time being) my new Beastmen army, my thoughts have already turned to the next army building event Legio Malaysia has planned. This time it's 40K, and painting for the event starts in early May with the first throwdown happening...