Progress Tracker Up!

While I didn't get as much done over the weekend as I should have, I have reignited my hobby spark and gotten things going. It's been motivating to make the posts and get feedback from you guys- much appreciated! Every night I make any progress at all, I'll update the...

More (Painfully Slow) German Progress

All I painted today was this 2iC motorcycle team. Ugh.I've gotta go WAY faster if this is going to get done. Hopefully getting back into the painting/blogging habit will nurture this furtive spark of creative progress. We shall see.

German EW Panzerschutzen Company Progress

It's not a whole lot of progress, but progress is progress folks. I'll take it!Been fiddling around with the paint job, and for this army I've found the happy medium between speed vs. quality. I'll leave you tonight with more pics, and with any luck lots more over the...

New Video Setup

Recently, my wife got an early birthday present in the form of a Canon S100- a fairly high end point and shoot camera. While playing around with it, I thought I'd try using it and a few fluorescent desk lamps to see what kind of painting tutorial video I could shoot....